My Own Brand Strategy Fail.

Let's talk about what happens when a brand's strategy fails, specifically, my own brand strategy.

I can rave all day about the positive impacts I've seen of Brand Strategy on business, but what happens when you fail to create a strategic foundation for your brand, or that foundation is outdated?

This past Spring, I took my own advice and hired an extremely talented team of women to assist me in bringing my re-brand to life.

I hired a copywriter, and even a brand designer to get an outside perspective on my brand because 10 years in it's easy to have tunnel vision.

When it was all said and done, I absolutely loved the design of my new brand, and even the brand new copy that I was now using on social media, e-mails, my website, and more.

The result? Absolute crickets. For months.

I know it's been a rough Summer for all businesses, but this was different. Something in my new brand was not connecting with my audience.

With the help and insight from some trusted friends in the industry, I finally pinpointed the issue - I was not clear on who exactly my target audience was, what their pain points were, and the transformation I provide for them - a.k.a my own brand strategy.

Because I thought I didn't need to create or re-strategize my brand strategy almost 10 years in, I went into my rebrand without a solid foundation to build my new copy and brand visuals on, and the result was a disconnect between me and my target customers.

Yes even 10 years in, I had to learn this lesson the hard way.

Brand Strategy is the audience & competitor research, differentiation, and positioning that sets the foundation for a brand that will flourish.

Designing a brand based on aesthetics fails to apply the research needed to connect with your target audience, and build a loyal community that lasts.

How has brand strategy helped your business grow?


Your WHY is Your Best Brand Strategy