Your WHY is Your Best Brand Strategy

Why Overthinking Your Marketing is Diluting Your Mission

Before the Holidays, I had a call with a potential client who was caught between niches & trying to figure out what industry to market her product to. While we could’ve started by comparing the metrics & competitors of both industries, I wanted her to answer one question first:

Why did you start your brand?

While we could’ve chosen the industry that has the least competitors, and most potential for sales, she started the brand because she was passionate about solving a problem.

I knew that if she traded in what she was truly passionate about for a marketing move that could make more sales, she’d end up burnt out, and lose the reason that she started in the first place.

She couldn’t believe that I was asking her to take the time to think back on her why, but at RISE, our brands are born of purpose, and it’s the momentum and excitement of that purpose that attracts a like-minded, and loyal community.

That impact-driven idea will turn your brand into tomorow’s industry-leading icon - let’s do it together!
